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【摘要】The study of intercultural communication in 21 st century has a multiple challenges to confront.To borrow what Byram says, "it has both practical and challenging values."(Byram,2008:2) It has a particular role to play in extending the concept of national citizenship to transnational civil communities- small or large,temporary or permanent.To this end,the Confucian anthropocosmic perspective on intercultural communication is proposed here in this paper as a response to the multiple challenges of the increasing globalization.In this perspective,are inherently grounded the potential overlapping and complementary relationships between the processes of learning to be national and intercultural/global citizens and the Confucian way of learning to be human;the concepts of communication and intercultural communication and the concepts of national society/community and intercultural/global community;the concept of the intercultural communicative space and the global communicative community;and most of all,the concepts of communicative competence and intercultural/global communicative competence and the concept of national citizenship and intercultural/global citizenship,all of which makes possible the national education for national citizenship and,by extension,the intercultural education for global citizenship.The paper argues that all the communications and all the communication acts,in 21 st century in particular,are in essence ethical issues so that a global ethics is badly needed in human interaction.The paper proposes the Confucian self and other corporation or togetherness as the global ethics,which is also called social and moral responsibility.The ethics is "If you want to establish yourselves,you must help others to establish themselves.And if you want to make yourself outstanding,you must help others to make themselves outstanding," in the Confucian sense and to borrow what Fei Xiaotong said, "if we want to better ourselves,we must help others to better themselves,we will all eventually better ourselves and others together,and then we will do general good to the commonwealth"(2007:302).This ethics is explained as ethics of responsibility/concern for self-other togetherness and we believe that this ethics brings out co-humanity,the ideal of human relationship which does not only mark the locations of landmarks but also mark the locations of landmines.The realization of the practice of this ethics that undergirds dialogic interaction is a long term human project.It concerns the life of our global community.It concerns whether "we shall live together like brothers and sisters or perish together" in the 21 st century(Martin Luther King).


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